A Long Year Coming – Two Memory Quilts

A year ago, a friend from high school, contacted me about making a quilt. Her husband had a box of suits that belonged to his grandfather, and storage space was tight. I think we can all relate. We all have those items that are sentimental and you don’t want to get rid of them, but hate that they just sit in a box on the shelf in the closet. But I told her that I thought a quilt would be perfect! So she shipped me a box from California and I started doing the math. I also confirmed that her husband would not hunt me down and murder me in my sleep for cutting up his grandfather’s suits. Like, if you don’t want to throw away sentimental items, the next worst thing could be cutting them up into small pieces if someone doesn’t want you to. Always get consent.

Then 2018 happened. An engagement, blueberry season, wedding, honeymoon and massive hurricane that brought a 1,000 year flood later, I finished them!

Out of a few options, Kayla picked out hourglass blocks and decided that since there was enough fabric from the suits, she wanted two throw sized quilts. I found a great tutorial on how to “quickly” make a block, but from me to you… quilts with small pieces just take time. Be patient and set up an assembly line. Divide into stacks and make a schedule. Long story short, she should receive the box tomorrow just in time for Christmas! Take a look at a few shots of the making and finished products! Click any of the images to zoom.

Block Assembly & Squaring

Quilt Top & Sandwiches

Labels & Finished Quilts!


Clearly quilts are a passion of mine, but quilts that I know are sentimental and will be passed down are super special to me. It’s what I love about making quilts, making something that will be loved for years to come.

Now, I’m off to find my next project. I mean, I could pick up that feedsack quilt that’s been sitting for a couple of years, or I could just start something new. Oh the quilter’s dilemma!


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3 thoughts on “A Long Year Coming – Two Memory Quilts

    1. Thank you! It seems so much easier to make quilts with small pieces for others. I have a personal quilt that’s been in my unfinished pile for 3 years! One day I’ll get to finishing it!


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